Love Me Like In Poetry

domingo, setembro 11, 2005

sorrow isn't it sad when you see the entire world constantly changing by words and actions; when you see time passing by; when everyone's life is, in some way, evoluting; when you see a cigarette burning and you're just the same? then i wonder: "do i have a life? do i evolute? why does time passes me by and i don't notice any change? does the earth still goes round? why do i have to be stuck in here without anybody realise it, as if i was trap in a castle like a princess without a prince to rescue me? does anybody notice my absence?" once you lock me in here, i will never more see a ray of light, breathe clean air or look the deep ocean. i won't give you my respect, you already had it! won't give you my love, you already had it! won't give you my obedience, you already had it! you always had me and you didn't know it, did you? your reward? anymore you'll hear my voice, see my smile or look in my eyes. you're not constructing, you're destroying what was already built. nobody is pulling me away, you're the one who's pushing me! killing me! i need your support, not your reprehension. you say you want my happiness but you show wanting my sadness. you're getting older and so am i. you're loosing me! it's all and only your fault!



At 11 setembro, 2005 17:32, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Believe me... I will notice your absence...
Owa miguita! Tive msm d espreitar o teu blog pa saber como vai esta poeta de alma e coração generosos. Estou sem palavras, este texto está espetacular! E por tar em inglês inda me fez sentir mais nostalgica pelos nossos velhos tempos do If... *Sigh*
Be good & behave! Montanhas de bj*nhos pa ti! =)


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